CPAP versus Oral Appliance Therapy

Get ready for a showdown between two sleep apnea treatment champions: the oral appliance and the CPAP machine! These are formidable contenders, each possessing its unique advantages and limitations.

Pros :

Highly Effective

The CPAP machine is widely regarded as the benchmark for sleep apnea treatment. It provides a constant stream of air, ensuring your airway remains unobstructed throughout the night.

Suitable for All Severity Levels

Whether your sleep apnea is mild, moderate, or severe, the CPAP machine can effectively manage all cases by offering personalized pressure settings.

Comprehensive Monitoring

Numerous contemporary CPAP machines feature integrated data tracking, enabling both you and your healthcare provider to assess your treatment progress and its effectiveness.


Mask and Tube Discomfort

Wearing a mask and managing the associated tubes can be inconvenient and uncomfortable for some individuals, which can result in reduced compliance rates.


The feeling of a mask covering the nose, mouth, or both can evoke sensations of claustrophobia in certain individuals, making it difficult to endure CPAP therapy.

Air Leakage

An ill-fitting mask or shifts in position during sleep can result in air leakage, diminishing the therapy's efficacy and potentially causing sleep disturbances.

Dry or Stuffy Nose

The uninterrupted airflow from the CPAP machine can induce dryness or congestion in the nasal passages, causing discomfort.

Partner Disturbance

The noise and presence of the CPAP machine could potentially disrupt the sleep of a bed partner, particularly if they are sensitive to sound or the mask's movements during the night.

Noise and Electricity

The gentle hum of the machine may be bothersome to light sleepers or those who prefer a quieter sleeping environment. The need for electricity can be a problem during power outages or when camping where there is no electricity.

Pros :

Comfortable and Portable

Think of the oral appliance as akin to putting on a tailor-made mouthguard. It's compact, highly portable, and operates without the need for electricity, rendering it perfect for travel or camping excursions..

Ease of Use

In contrast to the CPAP machine, with its mask and tubing, the oral appliance is uncomplicated and user-friendly. You simply insert it into your mouth before bedtime, and you're all set.

Silent and Partner-Friendly

Unlike the CPAP machine with its subtle whooshing noise, the oral appliance operates in complete silence, ensuring a tranquil night for both you and your sleeping partner.


If you prefer to steer clear of masks and tubes, the oral appliance is your ideal choice. It's non-invasive and merely shifts the position of your jaw to maintain an open airway.

Less Dependency on Electricity

The oral appliance doesn't rely on a power source, making it well-suited for individuals who might not have steady access to electricity, such as during power outages or in remote areas.

Suitable for Various Sleep Positions

The oral appliance enables you to sleep comfortably in various positions, as it doesn't impose any movement restrictions, unlike a CPAP mask.


Limited for Severe Cases

Although highly efficient for mild to moderate sleep apnea, the oral appliance may not be the most suitable choice for severe cases.

Requires Dental Supervision

Accurate fitting and necessary adjustments are of utmost importance, requiring a close partnership with a skilled dentist or sleep specialist for this therapy.

Possible Jaw Discomfort

Certain users may encounter slight jaw discomfort, typically resolvable through appropriate adjustments.

And that’s a brief comparison between the oral appliance and the CPAP machine. The ideal option for you hinges on your personal comfort, the severity of your sleep apnea, and how each solution aligns with your lifestyle. Contact us Frederick TMJ & Sleep to set up a consultation and find out if oral appliance therapy is the suitable choice for your sleep needs!

CPAP not working?

Having trouble with your CPAP machine?

You’re certainly not the only one. It’s estimated that about 83 percent of CPAP users either stop using it altogether or don’t use it consistently. Those who can’t tolerate CPAP often end up abandoning it, a situation known as CPAP intolerance or CPAP failure.

There are several reasons for CPAP failure, often beyond your control:

  • Seasonal allergies or consistent congestion
  • Issues with nasal passages, sinuses, or upper palate, like a deviated septum
  • Skin irritation on the face from the mask
  • Nasal discomfort, dryness, or bleeding
  • Feelings of claustrophobia or being suffocated by the mask
  • Frequent respiratory infections
  • Experiencing abdominal bloating and gas
  • Noise from the machine disrupting your (or your partner’s) sleep

If you’re struggling with CPAP, it’s crucial to discuss other options with your healthcare provider for managing your sleep apnea effectively.


Do you dislike flying with CPAP?

Additional Stress

Journeying, be it for leisure or business, can frequently entail stress. Introducing a CPAP machine to the equation further exacerbates the inconvenience. Come to Frederick TMJ & Sleep and let us assist you in discovering CPAP alternatives customized for your travel requirements. The obstacles associated with traveling with a CPAP machine encompass the extra weight it brings and the challenges of passing through security checkpoints with it.

Additional Challenges

Moreover, upon reaching your destination, you'll need access to distilled or deionized water for your humidifier. Additionally, having a conveniently located electrical outlet is essential. For international travel, remember to pack the requisite adapter as well.

Additional Failure

While traveling through harsh weather conditions or remote regions, the dependability of electricity may become uncertain. In such situations, you'll have to decide whether to bring a backup battery, a choice that can substantially elevate the likelihood of device malfunction or non-compliance.

See How Easy This Can Be

The procedure is simple and efficient. Every oral appliance is carefully customized for a perfect, comfortable fit unique to you. To begin, book a consultation with us, and we’ll assess if this method suits your needs. If it does, here’s what to expect:

  1. We’ll work with your insurance provider to check for potential coverage.
  2. Your custom oral appliance will be precisely made and fine-tuned to your specific needs.
  3. Then, get ready for tranquil sleep without the hassle of a mask or hose – just undisturbed, restorative rest!